Friday 15 June 2012

Princess Margaret Penitentiary

Princess Margaret Secondary School, that's what the community calls it, but upon arriving here I had an epiphany that it is far from being a secondary school. When I first arrived here in the ninth grade I was given my inmate number 805365 and began my four year minimum sentence. From the outside it looks like a penitentiary building and that is what sets the mood inside. Teachers, strict like prison guards, no personal possessions in the work space. But every guard has different has different rules, Commandant VanCamp in cell 202 has strict rules, nothing on your desk, no hands in your lap, and face forward at ALL times. Failure to do so will result in a treacherous trip to the wardens office. However, Commandant Sutherland on the other hand, has a scoop and swoop where she jumps down and checks in your lap, just to insure that you are not texting in her class. While in Commandant Buckley has a strict late policy, if you are late you might as well be a pirate swabbing the deck, because Buckley will make you clean stuff. If you want to be saved from the four year sentence... Go to Pen High.

Sweet Summer Nectars

Lifting the three ounce dixie cup up to my face, the aroma of a sweet nectar fills my nostrils. The minature cup glowing of the liquid seeping through the translucent cup is like the red sunrise on a cool summer night. The tender coolness radiadating through the waxy paper touches my skin like a breeze coming through the window as I drive by the beach. Finally I take a sip of the lucious fluid, it races around my taste buds awakening my senses. Its taste, exciting, like recieving a new car or television, seeps down my throat, the coolness touching every organ. It cools me down like a dip into the refreshing water. As I swish the nectar in my cup the sound reminds me of a sweet serene song. I take another swig, the sweet sensation taking me over. Making me feel at peace once again.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Time Has Runaway

       [He comes] clean shaven into the world,
       [His] head seems flat
       Losing and finding himself endlessly,
       On the front steps of a red roofed house,
       A man sits.
       Becoming lost is made all the easier
       He is over taken... time has runaway with him.
       Childhood car rides.
       Childhood years of being locked in domestic grief.
       He turns part way around
       and recognizes [his]

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Great Accomplishments

I have given myself open heart surgery while on anesthetics. I have sailed the world on a cardboard boat. I have split a diamond in two, with my teeth. Calculation never made a hero, being fascinating did. I find lemons sour, but lemons find me sweet. I scaled the Empire state building in 4 minutes and 35 seconds with just duct tape and a safety pin.

Fighting in the First World War was my fifth greatest accomplishment, number one was resurrecting Jesus, two was inventing the wheel, three was discovering how to make fire and four was painting the Mona Lisa. Ask me what I do for a living, I will reply with “everything”. I was the pilot of the flight that landed safely on the Hudson River in Manhattan. The captain of the RMS Carpathia, which saved the 705 people on the titanic who didn’t drown, that was me.

Mickey Mouse was created by Walt Disney, guess who created Walt Disney, Me. Harry Potter, best known wizard of all time, J.K. Rowling got the story from me, and it was all my idea. Most people get pulled over for speeding; I get pulled over for being interesting. When I go to Rome, the Romans do as I do. I starred in the movies Avatar, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Hunger Games, and Citizen Kane.

When I smoke, I give the cigarette cancer. My mom said I be famous when pigs fly, well guess what, Swine Flu. Hitler didn’t commit suicide, I assassinated him. Everyday I walk on water, fly to the moon, and eat poisonous wild berries. People say they talk to god, I know that’s false, I don’t remember talking to them before. I have been to other galaxies, but I have not yet gone to university.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

Merely Suggestions

Mr. Kleats @ Central High School
123 Main Street, Sportstown, British Columbia
V2A 1W3

Felicity Sawyer
142 Green Crt V2A 7K5
Pentticon bcHello Mr.Kleats,
My name is Felicity Sawyer and my daughter Emily plays on your senior girls basketball team. First off I would like to congratulate you on your recent win at Valley's. However, it has come to my attention that a few parents, as well as myself, are concerned about the fact that you are often late for practices, practice seems a little chaotic, some of the members get little to no playing time, there is a great emphasis on winning, and I  also am concerned at the tone you talk to our daughters in.

My first concern is that you often are late showing up for practice. A few of the parents and I would like to offer our help and show up a little early to get the girls warmed up, and teach them a few drills. Now I understand that you also have your own family and life to take care of that is why a few of us have stepped up to make this as easy on you as possible.

Most times when my daughter and I show up for her practice, I sit and watch for a little bit with the other mothers. But now that it has come to our attention that things aren't moving as smoothly as some of the parents hoped. So once again we are offering our help to you.

I often notice that a few of the players including my daughter don't get playing time. I am aware that you want to play the best players, but even when your top players are worn down to nothing, you keep some of the girls benched. I believe that everyone should get the chance to redeem themselves. Just give each of those girls a chance once in awhile.

The emphasis on winning this season is a bit worrisome to the parents. I think that they shouldn't be just playing to win. They should be playing for fun and if they happen to win that's great! So I think we should start cheering them on even if they aren't in first.

The tone you use on the players can be concerning sometimes. They are only in eleventh and twelfth grade, and let's face it, they are girls, they tend to be a little more emotional than the boys teams. Sometimes the tone seems to be scaring them more than encouraging. Maybe if you bring the voice down they will play better and will find the sport more fun and a little less stressful. 

Thank you for listening and I hope you consider a few of these suggestions.

Felicity Sawyer

Moral Dilemma Assignment

Felicity Sawyer
142 Green crt V2A 7K5
Penticton BC
John Smith
City Hall 568 Main Steet
Small Village, B.C.

Dear Mr.Smith,

     This is concerning the Gunter Grass "war criminal" case. I do not believe that Mr.Grass should be exposed of things that happened during the second world war for a number of reasons. The propaganda during that time would have influnced him to join the nazi party in the appalling actions that took place. Hitlers propaganda influencing people to join the war was convincing and hard to resist. During the war Mr.Grass was young and impressionable making him a easy target to draft. Finally I believe he should not be exposed do to his contributions in the community.
     During the second world war Gunter Grass may have been apart of war criminal actions, but that was due to the fact that the propaganda was very convincing. Hitler's propaganda made war seem "cool" and hip, almost as if it were a game. What Gunter was doing at the time seemed appropriate, him and probably all of his friends join the Nazi's in the atrocities. Mr.Smith, did you ever think even just for a second that maybe what he was seeing on the television, newspapers and billboards, could not only be threatening Jews and minorities? But that maybe Hitler's propaganda was threatening, making people believe their families would be safe if they joined. You cant just look at what he did, there are factors to put into consideration.
     When Mr.Grass was a commandant in a concentration camp, he was fairly young, probably in his early twenties. War was a new "fun" exciting thing, possibly he regretted joining as he matured and realized the truly horrific things happening. But since he was so young and impressionable, and he is now an elderly man, Why expose him? I believe we should just let him live the rest of his life in peace.
     Since the war Gunter Grass has been a mentor in this town, helping the other families in town make ends meet, he was the mayor of this very town from 1962-1998. These families, not only his own family's, lives would be upside down. It would be hard on the members of your own town. People in town could retaliate to him being exposed. So, Mr.Smith, I think you should keep not only Gunter in your best interest but the people of your town. Let them appreciate Mr.Gunter for what he is now, not what he used to be.

Sincerely, Felicity Sawyer

Friday 9 March 2012

Cliche Assignment

     George looked up from shoeing the horse to see the outline of Curley's wife in the doorway of the barn. They were alone. She was dressed to the nines in her usual sausage curls, red mules with the ostrich feathers and a nice cascading cotton dress.
     "Look atcha, all dressed up but nowhere to go" George announced.
     Curley's wife blushed as though she was fishing for compliments, "To each his own" she says with a flirty tone in her voice. She stood there for a few brief moments, leaned against the opening to the barn. "I was just lookin' for Curley, ya seen 'im?"
     "Curley? Ya don't say, he was in here jus' a minute ago. Said he was headin' into town" he replies casually. "I got a question for you" George inquires. "Lennie says he been hangin' around you lots, say what's he been doin'?"
     "Well I met with 'im while he was playing with the pups, I seen one layin' there motionlessly, it was dead as a door nail." Curley's wife explained to George.
     Georges face became filled with distress. "He done it again dammit, I thought for sure we could do it, give 'im and inch and he takes a mile. Shoulda known not to let 'im play with them pups."
     Curley's wife's face became worried for them "hey now George, it'll be our little secret, I'll put a cork in it" she promised with a wink of her eye. George suddenly looked reassured. They sat there in the silence for a moment when finally Curley's wife spoke. "George, what really happened to Curley's hand?" she probed.
     George felt unsure whether to trust her but he spat out "Lennie... Curley was beatin' on 'im and I told Lennie to let 'im have it" he said with his head down.
     "Good," she laughed "he had it comin' for a long time. But that's water under the bridge, no need to feel sorry for 'im." Curley's wife cracked a smile "I thought you'd be infuriated that Lennie and I have been talking. Now theres no monkey on my back."
     George gave a slight smile back "Now why would I be mad? You can talk but I'm scared he gon' do jus' what he did in Weed. But either way we will stick together, come hell or high-water."
    "Lennie says you guys have a dream of ownin your own ranch, is it true?" Curley's wife inquired.
    George contemplated whether or not to tell her for a few brief moments "Yea, we's jus' lookin' to start a fresh life, somewhere Lennie can't get in no trouble" he said. "If we just keep our shoulder to the wheel, it'll happen, we will get our ranch. Lennie will get his rabbit's but that's just icing on the cake."
     "Well I'm gonna make like a tree and leave, before I get caught talking to someone, cause god forbid I talk to someone but Curley" she announced and walked out slowly. "Bye now."
     George sat there realizing that Curley's wife may have been a flirt but only because she's lonely and has no one to talk to.