Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Grade 12 Flying Adventure

Grade twelve, "what a glorious year" as they tell us when we step into this never ending hell. But once we get on this final plane to the destination it's one turbulent flight. Hopping on to this plane is like walking in on the first day, we see the teachers acting as the stewardesses, directing us where to go. Once we finally find our seats we get stuck next to some freaks, these so called freaks later become our friends. As they prepare you for take off they give you a full rundown of what's going to happen on this journey. In the seat front pocket there is a safety pamphlet or a course outline, for reminders of what to do. Finally we take off, it's a bumpy ride getting to flying altitude. On the way up everyone's ears pop continually, readjusting to the altitude, this is just like constantly readjusting to the time we have to wake up for school. Once we hit flying altitude it is smooth sailing, we finally get used to the swing of things. It's the same routine, teacher comes by drops off a work sheet, finish the work and the teachers comes by to collect it, kind of like in flight service when the stewardess brings a drink and peanuts. It's a nice smooth ride, and then we hit turbulence, or final exams, the part everyone dreads, some are terrified and some love the turbulence. The turbulence is only for a few long minutes then its over, and we are onto the second part of the flight, just like second semester. Second semester starts and everyone's a little shaken from the turbulence, but after a few days everyone is back to normal. Then once again the stewardesses come around with the in flight service and hand out more knowledge to drink down. Its so close to the end the anticipation builds and the last month or hour creeps by like a snails undulating movement. A rough landing, the last set of exams always seems to take the longest, and it feels like months. Then we're done. We've landed, and we pick up our baggage and enjoy our two month vacation. After our nice hot summer we hop on the plane again, another journey another chapter.

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